Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Pop singer Robbie Williams is taking off from his pop career, to focus his time on investigating the existence of aliens. The singing star has teamed up with journalist Jon Ronson to record a radio documentary about extraterrestrials, in which the pair attend a UFO conference in Laughlin, Nevada to hear stories about alien abductions. On the show, entitled Robbie Williams And Jon Ronson Journey To The Other Side - Williams talks to a scientist who claims to specialize in examining evidence of flying saucer visits, asking: "Do you worry that the aliens might want their stuff back? Do you get scared they may want to come and get their transmitters back?" Williams, who has admitted his fixation causes him to frequently question his own sanity, now spends his time holed up in his Los Angeles California home reading alien conspiracy theories online, and watching DVDs with titles such as UFO Space Anomalies and Secret Space: What Is NASA Hiding? He says, "I’ve been working since I was 16. I’ve put out 10 albums in 10 years and it takes its toll. I’m just having a break. I’m classic ‘don’t show me any debunking stuff’ - because I want to believe." The 34-year-old, who is signed to label EMI in a deal worth $160 million, was due to release an album later this year, but this has now been postponed.