Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Leona Lewis

Vegetarian singer Leona Lewis has been named Person of the Year by the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).The superstar who gave up meat when she was just 12 years old, is an avid anti-animal cruelty campaigner and refuses to wear fur or leather. And her strict beliefs have not gone unnoticed. The bosses at PETA have made the star their top celebrity of 2008, taking over from fashion designer Stella McCartney. PETA Europe Director Robbie LeBlanc says, "Leona Lewis is admired for her beautiful voice, but it's her kindness to animals that makes her a superstar in our book." Earlier this year the singer turned down $1.5 million from luxury London retailer Harrods to open its summer sale because it remains as the only U.K. department store to still sell fur.