Thursday, March 26, 2009

Target: Mocksure

I have been tagged, and not for re release into the wild either!  Dr Zaius @ Zaiusnation - of whom I am a regular & enthusiastic follower - has slapped me with a 6 random things meme. Here are the rules of the game.

The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

With that out of the way we can move onto to disclosure:

1. I believe that a person can do anything they set their mind too. Fortunately this tendency was detected in childhood when my parents caught me halfway out of the window wearing a home made parachute. Mom was livid - "What made you try such a crazy thing? A normal kid would've tried it out on the cat first!"  Then again it was her good table cloth! Booze & pills currently keep the delusions under control!

2. Significant portions of this blog have been dictated by 'hidden voices'! I won't tell you which parts, but here's a hint - the voices have atrocious spelling and grammar. Sorry about that Zyblor, and give my regards to Gazoo.

3. Though I write about celebrities I have never had a personal brush with celebrity. That is except for my tendency to keep crossing paths with former MASH cast members. Last MASH spotting, Mike Farrell @ Yonge & Bloor Starbucks! That was about 1 year ago so I'm about due. Next up on rotation -  Gary Burghoff. I'm on the look out for you, Radar!

4. I sometimes think that I am being watched, but only when I am being followed.

5. I have never read either A Course in Miracles or The Secret, but feel I know enough about them to antagonize unbelievers (incidentally this also works with vegetarianism)! Their damned negativity is holding the rest of us back!

6. I sometimes wear cheap sun glasses, T's with trendy slogans, and ripped jeans in hopes of being mistaken for somebody famous. "Hey, don't I know you? You're that somebody right, who does the thing on TV?" In fact I once tricked Milla Jovovich into thinking I was a casual acquaintance, via the Internet. "I don't want to be rude, but where did I meet you?" "Oh you know, at the gallery! You were with your boyfriend. You probably don't remember 'cause you were seriously stoned. Loud and rowdy, too! I don't think the staff appreciated it when you described a featured exhibit as 'Fucking Awesome!' Poor Paul, I was so embarrassed for him!" The jig was up in a couple of days.

Sorry to be meme spirited about this

Confession is good for the soul, so now to pass the love along to Diana Prince, Distortrait
Apathetic Bliss, Jermey Barker, Diana Muse, & Prunella Jones. Do not break the chain or in 7 days you will be taken hostage by the love of you life in an embarrassing police stand off! Have fun folks!

Coming soon to Mocksure - startling pics of Angelina Jolie without lip surgery! It's kind of an open secret that Jolie has been getting her lips fixed since she was a teenager (her family was ambitious for her and wanted her to break into entertainment early. Jon Voight has a case of Billy Ray Cyrus syndrome. Now I don't mean that he touched her or anything like that. Merely that he encouraged his daughter as a way of making up for his own failed dreams of glory).  Occasionally however Jolie has to give the fillers a rest and let her lips return to normal. This often happens during her overseas charitable excursions, far from the prying eyes of the western  paparazzi. However occasionally the shutterbugs have scored a direct hit, like this!

Pre op Jolie?

Jolie was fairly young in that shot; either late teens or early twenties. In fact I believe that it might have been taken before she had her nose done! However her trade mark forehead and jawline are unmistakable!

Daily Disclaimer: The above shot is not of Ms Jolie, but of fashion model Suzanne Diaz.  As far as I know Ms Jolie's lips are 100% natural, except for maybe the top one. That's still being debated. However the rumours about Jolie's possible lip enhancement and nasal surgery does lend it's self to some good natured hoaxing! Lips aside, Ms Diaz does share some resemblance to Angelina - note the fore head and jawline. Well at least she looks more like Angelina Jolie then Joaquin Phoenix looks like Joaquin Phoenix!

Mocksure Political Content: Things might be challenging for Pres Obama right now, but he shouldn't be too worried. He's got Wonder Woman on his side!

Daily dharma: "Chant Namo Amituofo"

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