Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nicole Richie - spills, chills, & more pills

nicole richieCelebrity pill popper Nicole Richie is back in the hospital. Now if you'll recall Nic had quite a fondness for the pharmaceuticals. Back in her heyday she's pop 50 soma and 50 vicodin per day. She cleaned up her act after she got pregnant. We were all very proud of her.

Then some time back nix got into a minor car accident. Now that's the most dangerous and vulnerable time for a pill popper, for obvious reason. Just look at poor old Steven Tyler. He'd fought a 20 year on going battle against Valium and other assorted goodies. He was holding his own too until that fateful day when he fell off the stage at a concert. The very next day he was video taped at a Boston area liquor store making a take out in a brown paper bag. Now Aerosmith says that they're looking for a new lead singer (Hey boys, I hear that David Coverdale is available - in fact the real Robert Plant is also at loose ends!). Meanwhile Steve is telling every one that he wants to take his career in a more authentic direction. Just like John Lennon after the Beatles - wow what integrity!

That brings us back to poor fragile Nicole Richie. She's not insulting out intelligence by telling us that she's going in a more authentic direction. She's also not telling us that she's exhausted or dehydrated either. That would be beneath her. She is saying via her PR minions that she has a touch of pneumonia. Well at least she's not claiming to have H1N1!

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