Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bill Maher gets too real for comfort

Fans of Bill Maher will know that he takes on some pretty heated issues like; who are bigger jerks Arab guys or American guys? He doesn't pull any punches either. For those who doubtedwhich side his loyalties were on BIll has placed his cards straight up on the table, and his chips are stacked on the USA.

In Bill's mind there is no question that America is more woman friendly. For one thing our pedestal are much shorter here. That saves some trouble just in case of a fall from grace. For another democracy as permitted the fair sex the right to do anything that they can do while wearing a tampon! You can't argue with that!

Not everyone shares Bill's enlightened absolutism however. Some members of his Real Time panel started looking a little awkward as Bill launched into his most recent anti Arab tirade. A couple of panel members even did more than look awkward, they quietly took issue. One audience member took it even farther than that and started going straight off their head. IN fairness the audience member wasn't talking about 911, but the talk about women in burkas being suppressed must've help get him worked up! Here's the clip of that -stay tuned till about 7 or 8 minutes in, past the boorish political rhetoric, and you'll get to the really lively stuff!

So how's that for reality TV? By the looks on some of those faces things were getting too real for comfort. Like your mothers probably told you never talk about politics and religion. When you add sex into the mix you've got a very hi octane combo. Then again whoever listened to their mothers - so much for civilization and the domestication of the American male.

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