Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lohan Family Values

Michael Lohan has been very critical about his daughter Lindsay in the past. This was basically because she kept getting into trouble and that gave him an opportunity to spout ff in front of reporters - who might otherwise have no interest in anything Michael Lohan would say even if it was the answer tot he mystery of crop circles! Also Lindsay was the only real wage earner and meal ticket in the family so she couldn't afford to get fucked up.

Michael is no stranger to trouble himself, and since the days he and Dr Drew discussed ways that they might frame up Lindsay so she can be forced to get the help she so desperately needs - or whatever help the powers that be are capable of providing; which isn't the same thing, Michael has had some high profile "run ins" of his own. That seems to have changed his perspective on the whole "cram her car with drugs and guns, then call the cops on her!" deal. For instance here's some of the stuff he recently had to say about his wild and wayward daughter, and for a change it's sounding half way positive!

So you heard him: while he's out there - giving interviews and sometimes selling Lindsay's stuff on EBay, it's all Dina's fault because she won't do what it takes, what ever that is. No one can doubt Michael's commitment. As long as there's a camera and microphone pointed in his direction, he'll be out there doing what it takes - which is talking about his daughter and ragging on his ex.

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