Thursday, June 2, 2011

Liv Tyler + hot pants = Wonder Woman!

Halley Berry recently announced her return to TV, just about the same time as the Wonder Woman series was put on indefinite hiatus (canned). So with a little basic arithmetic called "wishful thinking" why not put another hi powered movie type into series TV. Like Liv Tyler. With her blue hot pants there's a role she might be able to take on. Just change those polka dots into stars and you'll get the picture. If you're a desperate male between 18 to 49 you might not be able to get rid of that picture!

Some of us think she looks wonderful what ever she wears!

Now Lovely Liv looks a little uncomfortable in her short shorts and has been getting commentary in the form of criticism about them on some message boards. Catty little comments have got made like "she'll never wear those again" and even worse "why are the comments so harsh?". You know how bad gals can be and especially if they sniff blood in the water. Since the ladies have been discouraged from sports participation for generations, cruelty and put dowens have become their blood sports. Anyway they should just get the fuck off of Liv's back! Besides, the shorts probably aren't even hers! They might be Steven's!

Latest Gossip = Slap Egotists