Monday, April 20, 2009

Britney Spears Update

Things are not so good in Britney Spear's World lately. The singer has just learned that her ex husband Kevin Federline has proposed to his current girlfriend Victoria Prince! Britney is said to feel betrayed by this turn of events. Though the Britster was dating a back up dancer Chaz Benz, it was only to maker Feders jealous. She felt that one day she and Kevin would be togheter again.

Britney is handling it in her usual fashion though, with a psychotic break from reality. Apparently Britney has taken her mind off of her romantic disappointments by concentrating on fears that her father, Jamie Spears, may be drugging her. By drugging her I mean that Brit believes he's slipping her pills beyond her usually array of downers and pick me ups like Valium and Ativan. 

Britney has a theory as to why her father might be slipping her pills. According to Britney her father wants to keep her subdued so that he can keep control of what's left of her money. With that in mind she has secretly send of text messages to her former boyfriend Adnan Ghalib. He's the guy that she got in contact with when she was afraid that manager Sam Lutfi was drugging her. As it turned out Sam Lutfi actually was drugging her, or so the Spears clan claim that he admitted to them (which would be a strange thing to do; admitting it I mean. I'm sure that we can all understand how some one might be tempted to drug Britney). Now that's unfortunate since those kind of paranoid fantasies don't need any kind of substantiation!

As for Adnan, he's got troubles of his won. He's still being taken to task for running over that process server. He doesn't seem to be in any danger of being shipped off to Afghanistan however. Now Adnan's life as never ever been the same since Britney plucked him from obscurity and pulled him through the looking glass. So I can't imagine him being eager to get back involved in the circus. Still since his life has been turned upside down he doesn't seem to have anything going for him except trouble, so who knows. it's not like he's overwhelmed with better options!

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