Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Slumdog Smackdown!

Worse than Oprah's Dream Academy!

This whole Slumdog Millionaire story seems to be getting continued life as reality TV - Who Wants to be a Slumdog Millionaire? Many are already wondering what Freida Pinto goes for on the open market. Well Hollywood is in the process of determining that right now!

Million Dollar Slumdog - The full Freida!

Of course it's not all bad news, America now has as many paid bloggers as lawyers! - source

the Bride's mad - Michelle Rodriguez goes feral!

There's even more good news. Fast and Furious Michelle Rodriguez flipped out while doing bridesmaid duty for her best  friend and publicist Giancarlo Chersich. Rodriguez pushed fully clothed dinner guests in to a pool at a pre wedding party, attacked a stripper at a bachelorette party - apparently seeing the stripper rub his crotch into the bride to be's face enraged Ms Rodriguez, who exclaimed "This brings out my bisexual tendencies!" - and went on a post wedding party rampage. She only managed to contain herself during the ceremony. Perhaps being on holy ground had something to do with it? 

Then again you can't blame the gal for raisin' hell. A couple of years back - after she was cut loose from Lost - people were saying her career was over. now she's starring in a no 1 Box Office movie. Evangeline Lilly who? If you'll recall Evangeline Lilly is the girl who hates being famous but loves getting her picture taken . Or is that the other way around? She was never clear about that. She was also the one constantly threatening to quit LOST because she wanted to return to a life obscurity. Well if she's serious then she'd better hurry up. With LOST circling the drain as I write if she waits any longer she won't have any fame left to abandon! Maybe her movie star ex colleague Mich could do something for her. Never fear Lilly, I'm sure that the Livelinks people would love to have you back!

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